How To Find Java Programmers?

Balazs Refi

February 17, 2023

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Having trouble finding a Java programmer for your project? This is why. Read on and find the right expert!


High demand for Java programmers

Java programmers are in high demand in today's market. There are several reasons for this.

  • To begin with, Java is a widely used programming language in a variety of fields. It's used in desktop applications, mobile applications, peer-to-peer applications, web development, and even IoT devices and game development.

  • Because Java has been the most popular programming language for many years, many applications have been developed in Java. And it takes a lot of developers to build a lot of applications.

  • Because Java is widely used and many applications are based on it, employers require a large number of Java developers. More than are available. Cobol is similar to Java in this regard, but it's not the same. Cobol developers are just as needed by the market as Java programmers, but not in the same numbers.

How popular is the Java programming language?

Many people prefer Java because it is a very stable and reliable programming language. Companies and developers both like to work with it. The TIOBE index, which measures the popularity of programming languages, listed Java as number one several times in recent years. In February 2023, it held fourth place, but its popularity (as measured by the number of web searches) is steadily increasing. In our experience, the demand for Java programmers remains high.

Java Programmer - TIOBE Index - Bluebird Bog


How many Java programmers are there globally and in Hungary?

The table below shows how many people work with the Java programming language around the world and in Hungary.

IMPORTANT! The figures do not strictly refer to Java developers, but rather to people who are or have been involved in Java development (for example, people who have been involved in Java development in the past, but now are Python developers).

However, for the sake of simplicity and to avoid repeating this lengthy description multiple times, I will refer to them as "Java developers" (or Java programmers).

Number of Software Developers in Hungary - Bluebird Blog


  • There are nearly 27 million software developers worldwide, with approximately 8 million being Java programmers. This equates to roughly 30% of software developers using or having used Java at some point.

  • The same is true for Hungary: there are approximately 79,000 software developers in total, with 23,700 of them being Java programmers.

  • The 23,700 figure is consistent with LinkedIn data, as typing Java on LinkedIn generates 26,000 profiles as a result, many of which are not developers but have Java in their profiles. Based on this, I believe the estimate of 23,700 is accurate.

  • We know 18,400 Java programmers at Bluebird, which means that 77% of all Java developers in Hungary have had contact with Bluebird. (At this point, I believe it is also important to emphasize what I wrote above: this number includes anyone who has come into contact with Java, such as IT professionals who know Java but are currently developing in Python!)

There is a shortage of Java developers. Period.

There's only one way to go: find them and keep them!

Why can't most businesses find enough Java programmers?

Simply because the vast majority of Java programmers are not actively looking for work. Even if you post an ad on the most popular job boards, probably no experienced professionals will apply, only novices will. But they are most likely not who you are looking for.

Where should you look for them?

Java Programmer - Bluebird Blog

Mostly on online platforms, in online professional communities, and at meetups. Although it appears to be a simple task, I don't believe it is. Professional communities are usually closed, Java programmers don't need meetups to get a job offer (it's not usually the reason they attend), and it's often difficult to find a reliable and experienced Java programmer on online platforms.

So how will you actually find Java programmers?

The situation appears to be difficult, and you may believe that you should wait for the next economic crisis, when it's easier to find a developer (due to the reduction in the number of job openings). There's a better way, though.

I have two solutions to offer:

1. IT Recruitment

IT recruitment agencies (or IT headhunting firms) can find the expert you're looking for, but only if their recruiters have the necessary IT skills and a large network of software developers. We at Bluebird specialize in IT headhunting and have all it takes to find the perfect IT professionals for your team. We can assist you either from Budapest or Vienna. 

To find the best match possible, you will have to provide us with a thorough description of the domain knowledge and specific technology skills required to fill the position. We will check whether the salary range you are offering is competitive. If it is, and the selection process is successful, we are all set. Request a quote from our "Request for offer" page, and one of our colleagues will contact you!

Our IT recruitment solution is success fee-based. This means you are only asked to make a payment when the Java programmer (or programmers) start their first day of work with you, as specified in their employment contract.

2. IT Staff Augmentation

We can assist you if you require Java programmers for your project. Our project contracts are typically for a set period of time during which the Java programmers you have selected will work on your project. Most of the time, we don't have Java programmers on the bench: we believe that the most experienced IT professionals always actively work on projects.

We need to know exactly what kind of Java developers you require for your project, so we can recruit candidates whose skills match your needs as closely as possible. Then, if you give the go-ahead, the Java developer can start working on your project.

We will bill you monthly for the number of days our Java programmers spend on Java development tasks. In this case, we charge no success fee or any other fees.

It's as simple as that.

What's next?

Fill out the online quote request form! We'll contact you, talk about the process online, discuss the position in question with you, and start filling your Java programmer gap.

Our current clients already know they can count on us. We look forward to working with you!

If you need assistance, Bluebird can help you hire senior Java developers in MiamiBudapest, or remotely.

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