LinkedIn profile tips to make your Linkedin account really pop. We show you step-by-step what you need to do! Read our blog post!
Do you need the ideal LinkedIn profile? With our 10 standout LinkedIn profile tips, you'll get it. We'll show you what you need to do! If you don't have a LinkedIn account yet, the first step is to sign up. We've written another blog post with step-by-step instructions on how to create a LinkedIn account. Check it out, create your LinkedIn account, and then use our LinkedIn profile tips to build your professional LinkedIn presence.
LinkedIn Sign-Up process
You can start your LinkedIn sign-up on LinkedIn's main page. It is important to register as a person on LinkedIn, not as a company! Individuals can have LinkedIn profiles, and businesses can have company profiles. If you mix the two, users will ask you to be banned.
Otherwise, it is extremely frustrating when you receive a message on LinkedIn not from a person but from a company. And personally, I don't even reply to messages sent by companies.

You can find our guide for the full sign-up process in our blog post: "How To Create A LinkedIn Account".
Log In To LinkedIn
You can log in with your username and password. LinkedIn's login interface includes all the standard functionality you may need to log in (e.g. forgotten password). Once you've logged in, you can begin creating your profile. Let's see how we can do it!
10+1 LinkedIn profile tips to help you create the perfect LinkedIn profile

1. Choose The Perfect LinkedIn Profile Picture!
Choose a profile picture in which you look like you do in real life. The picture should be high definition, at least 400x400 pixels. Be alone in your photo, it’s your LinkedIn profile, not a team photo!
Although this is a really personal and exciting photo, it's really not for LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a professional social networking site, people want to know what you stand for professionally, how you think, and what your opinions are. Overly private topics don't belong here.
Let's look at what a good profile photo looks like!

LinkedIn profile picture should be like this:
And not like this:
2. Choose The Background That Presents Who You Are!
You'll need the proper background image to build the perfect LinkedIn profile. The image format should be JPG, PNG, or GIF, and the resolution should be 1584 x 386 pixels.
Don't leave it blank! Demonstrate who you are, and what you do! Make an effort to express the values you hold and live by. The background picture can be used to convey your or your company's identity and values.
They say: a picture is worth a thousand words. Treat the importance of your background picture and profile photo accordingly!
It's worth it, believe it! I speak from personal experience.

Example: Gary Vaynerchuk
The photo is a true reflection of his personality (whether you like him or not), and it is exactly who he is based on his videos. Similarly, his background image is like him: to the point, with no frills, and with straightforward communication.

Example: Daniel Burrus
Simple but professional profile picture with the most important message on the background image. The image gives you an insight into who he really is.

Next example: Bill Gates
The picture is also like him. He shows his gentle side, and in the background appears versatility. Again: Like it or not, it is authentic.
3. Write an Informative Headline!
This is one of the most important LinkedIn profile tips because the information you fill in this section will appear in many searches! Among all the alphanumeric data, the headline of your LinkedIn profile is the most seen.
This field might not only be about your fields of expertise, but also about what you offer, what skills you have, and what your specialties are. Use strategic keywords in this field.
It is worth describing yourself in at least 120 characters. Remember that you will most likely show up as a result of searches for words that are in your headline.
4. Create a Personal Summary!
The summary (the about section) should be about you and not about your company. Make it personal! Write about yourself, not only about your skills! Try to describe yourself in your own words!
We've collected a few summary samples. Click on the text to enlarge them!
Software developer I.

Software developer II.

Recruiter I.

5. Present Your Professional Experience!
Let's continue with more LinkedIn profile tips!
Upload at least your last 3 jobs! If you had less than that, but more job titles, then name them one by one! It is advised to fill in the description field as that is where you can explain what your exact tasks were in a given position.
6. List Your Studies!
For studies, just enter the highest level of education. LinkedIn will help you choose the school. If you have more than one degree, list them all!
When you select a school, your LinkedIn profile will automatically be added to the school's LinkedIn group.
7. Maximize Your Network, Reach 30,000 Connections ASAP!
You can't have a strong LinkedIn profile unless you have a large network of connections.
Growing your network can be especially important for you if you work in sales, recruitment, consulting, or coaching (or another unlisted but similar) role, as well as if you would like to share your content with many people.
There are numerous suggestions for who you should invite on LinkedIn. Many people advise you to invite only people you know personally. However, many people invite everyone who works in a specific job or who might be interested in the information they are sharing.
One thing is sure: without a network, you are more difficult to reach, and it is more difficult for you to reach others too.
You can learn more about building your network HERE. You can find valuable LinkedIn profile tips here.
Building a powerful network on LinkedIn takes several years, but if you start with 300 relations, you can reach 25-30.000 LinkedIn relations in a year.
8. Define The Skills That Are Important To You!
The Skills & Endorsements section gives you the opportunity to define your skills, knowledge, and abilities. In the future, these will be mostly the ones you choose, which will be ticked and confirmed by your friends.
Show your strengths and the skills that are most sought after (and in which you are strong). Give feedback on other people's skills (endorsement), but only to those, to whom you are actually aware that the person has the skill or ability.
On LinkedIn, you may occasionally get endorsements from people you don't personally know, mostly to give them feedback on their primary skills.
The most popular skills by field (business, management, IT, etc.) can be found HERE.
9. Give And Recieve Recommendations!
You can give and receive recommendations on LinkedIn. The strongest Linkedin profiles are the ones that have recommendations.
You can ask for a recommendation from your previous leaders, customers, or colleagues.
Learn more about recommendations HERE.
10. Set Your Own URL!
When you create your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn generates a URL for you. You can change this at any time later, but only to a URL that is not already taken.
Your URL can contain your full name, but it can also contain your key certification if you think it's important (e.g. PMP - Project Management Professional).
You should not usually include a company name in the URL, but there may be exceptions. For example, if you are the owner of the company.

+1 Bonus Tip: Use The "Open To Work" Option If Needed
If you are a job seeker, this is probably the most important LinkedIn profile tip for you!
Probably one of the most useful checkboxes on LinkedIn. Clicking it will let others know you're looking for a job. Yeah, but who will see this flag?
That is the point: The recruiters who have an adequate LinkedIn subscription can see it, and no one else.

You can specify where you're looking for a job locally, whether you're looking for an employment opportunity or a project as a contractor, and even what job role you're looking for.
Measuring the Strength of Your LinkedIn Profile
The strength of a LinkedIn profile is measured by the Social Selling Index (SSI). You can find your results HERE.