What we can help you with
Would you replace manual tasks with bot software?
We believe that software bots do not eliminate jobs, but cost-effectively perform activities that are repetitive, well-defined and extremely costly to perform by humans.
Let your employees get on with the important aspect of the job!
We'll show you what a bot is, what bot development is and how a custom-built software bot can help your work or business.
Important questions about Bot development
What Is A Software Bot?
A software bot (also known as a bot) is a software that replaces humans in repetitive tasks.
AI = software bot? No. The terms artificial intelligence and software robot are not interchangeable. The software robot just repeats the programmed procedures in a monotonous manner. Reliably, tirelessly, and precisely.
What Can A Software Bot Do?
To prevent your coworkers' valuable time from being spent on tasks that a simple software robot can perform. It enables you and your team to concentrate on tasks that require real decisions and added value.
What Is Software Bot Development?
Bot development is the process of developing software that results in the bot itself. Bluebird only sets up useful bots that give our customers a competitive advantage or reduce costs by automating the execution of manually repetitive tasks.
How Much Does Bot Development Cost?
Many people believe that bot development is extremely expensive, that will never pay off. This isn't the case. The bots we develop pay off almost immediately, as the savings or extra profit available in the short term can be compared to the cost of the bot.
For a fixed prize or monthly service fee, we develop bot software for our customers.
Fix Priced Development
Following an accurate assessment of customer demand, we will provide a quote for software bot development. This includes bot functionality, project timeline, and price. We develop the software bot after a thorough discussion of the offer.
Bot Development Based on a Monthly Service Fee
Following the requirement assessment, we develop a proposal for the software bot's functionality, create a project schedule, and make an offer for the software's development and operation. However, the offer price does not include a development or operating cost, only a monthly service fee. That is, if you require a software bot, tell us and we will inform you when and for what monthly fee we can ensure that the software is up and running. You don't have to worry about what server to use or how the bot will operate because we take care of everything. It's similar to purchasing an internet subscription.
Exploring the Different Functions of Bots/Web Crawlers
1. Lead generation for data collection
When running your business, it can be important to know the data of other websites. If this data can be used in your sales process, you may want to use bot software for lead generation. Think about how it feels to have sales-relevant data appear in your own system that you've spent hours manually gathering. Instead of collecting data, focus on evaluating and using it!
2. Price monitoring, automated pricing
Pricing and product monitoring bots are designed to help you stay on top of competitor prices, new product launches and even use the data to adjust the price of your products or services to stay ahead of your competitors. What happens then?
You make extra revenue. All you need is a price monitoring robot and a well thought-out price calculation algorithm. When both are ready, the robot does the pricing for you. Reliably, continuously, tirelessly.
You may also need to constantly monitor the prices of your potential suppliers. How much do you gain by finding out about prices that are 5-10% cheaper with the help of a software robot?
3. Monitor news and comments
Monitoring certain types of news can be extremely present for your business. You need to be aware of what is appearing in the news on a given topic or even on social media. Also, there are websites where posts about your product or service are being made. They mention your company or product. What can you do if you know about it and what if you don't? If you know about it, you can react, you can join the dialogue. If you don't know about it, you can't intervene, you can't comment.
What Software Bots Have We Developed So Far?
What Software Bots Have We Developed So Far?
Crawler Bot - Ad Tracker
When you create a web page, you give the Google crawler bot (or other bots) permission to access it. This crawler software is required to crawl your page and display your content in search results.
Similarly, Bluebird's ad tracker bot crawls the Internet (mostly at pre-defined entry points) and searches for job ads on a specific topic.
It then organizes, filters, and only displays job advertisements that are relevant to you.
Who employs such a software bot? For example, to get a clear picture of how many IT jobs in Europe are advertised by companies that are not recruiter agencies, but potential customers themselves.
This technology can collect any other type of information from the internet. Yes, most information is accessible in this manner.
Crawler Bot - Signal Trackers
If you need instant information about a specific website, our crawler bot solution is ideal for you. What kind of information could be monitored? Tenders appear, a product appears, an appointment is bookable, a service is realdy to reserve, information about a newly appearing product appears, and so on. We can monitor almost anything.
Tell us about the event you want to know about, and we will create a specific software bot for you.
Pricing Robot
The pricing bot can be used on websites where multiple sellers are selling the same product at the same time. The more products you have, the more important it is that the price of the product you are selling is in the right range.
To support with this, we have developed a pricing bot that examines which competitors are selling your product and at what price they are doing so. If it is discovered, it offers to re-price the product or does it automatically.
Why is a pricing software bot useful? Because it will significantly increase your traffic.
Advantages and Disadvantages
for Bot Development
Our Software Bot Development activities are ISO 9001 certified.