Hire Java Developers in Florida

Welcome to Bluebird International's Miami branch for hiring expert Java developers. Our team connects you with top-tier Java talent tailored to meet your project needs, ensuring high-quality development and seamless integration with your existing teams.

Why Hire Java Developers in Florida From Bluebird?


1st reason

Trusted by Global Fortune 500 Companies

We have a track record of providing IT experts to major brands such as BlackRock, Ford, and GE.


2nd reason

Impressive 95% Success Rate

Your projects are our top priority, and we take pride in delivering Java developers with a 95% success rate.


3rd reason

First Java Talents in Just 7 days

Focusing on your needs, we commit to connecting you with the right Java programmer for most positions within 7 days.

IT Staff Augmentation Projects at Bluebird

Our Java Development Services

Development of scalable, secure enterprise-level applications using Java EE, Spring, Hibernate, etc.

Web Applications

Creation of robust web applications with frameworks like Spring MVC and Struts.

Building native and cross-platform mobile apps for Android using Java.

Cloud Computing

Integration with cloud services such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.


Implementation of microservices architecture with Spring Boot and other modern frameworks.

API Development

Developing RESTful and SOAP APIs for seamless system integration.

Engagement Models

  1. 1
    Full-Time Hiring: Dedicated Java developers working exclusively on your project. Senior developers could be local or remote developers from the United States, Canada, or Europe, depending on your requirements.
  2. 2
    Project-Based Hiring: Complete projects with defined deliverables and timelines. Offshore location is Hungary, Europe.

Hiring Process

Initial online meeting

Discussing project needs and defining the tech stack required.

Candidate Selection

Shortlisting and interviewing candidates to find the best fit.

Project start

Starting the project right after the Java developer is selected by you.

Technologies and Tools

  1. 1
    Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Grails, Vaadin
  2. 2
    Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JSF
  3. 3
    Mobile: Android SDK, JavaFX Mobile, Cross-platform Development
  4. 4
    Cloud: AWS, Google Cloud, Azure
  5. 5
    Testing: JUnit, Selenium, TestNG, Mockito, Cucumber
  6. 6
    DevOps: Jenkins, Travis CI, Docker, Kubernetes
  7. 7
    Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle
  8. 8
    Other Relevant Skills: Microservices Architecture, RESTful Web Services, GraphQL, Kotlin, Scala
Hire java developers in Florida from Bluebird

Contact us

Location: 1221 Brickell Ave, Suite 900, Miami, Florida 33131, USA
Email: sales@bluebirdinternational.com
Phone: +1 (786) 422 5826

Hire Java Developers

Bluebird - Florida

LinkedIn Recommendations from Our Clients

Reference - Lajos Tornyi - Bluebird

"I have known Balázs for 5 years and he is one of the most reliable persons I have met. During that time, my company was still growing tremendously and there was a constant need for new IT resources. In a very short time, Balázs and his team were able to recruit excellent IT professionals for us, both for longer term and even for shorter projects. I feel that our cooperation has been a great help ever since: thanks to his personal efforts and his dedicated team, one of the most difficult tasks, finding good and motivated employees, is not a problem any more."


Lajos Tornyi

Director, Head of Engineering for the Unified Sales & Service App

Blackrock logo
Reference - Adam Santha - Bluebird

"I would highly recommend Bluebird and its team to anyone looking for a reliable IT partner in the automotive industry. Bluebird has consistently exceeded our expectations at Ford and provided us with quality service on a reasonable price level. Bluebird has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to excellence. Their forward-thinking approach, flexibility and attention to detail have contributed significantly to our success."


Adam Santha

Managing aftersales customer data of FoMoCo across Europe

Ford logo

Success Stories

JEE, MS-SQL, Oracle, and Teradata

Java Enterprise Software Developers

Design and development of an after-sales IT system for a multinational Fortune 500 client. Bluebird IT staff were responsible for system design, development, documentation, and support.

Project scope: > 2,400 person-days.

Technology stack: Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), Microsoft SQL Server 2016, Oracle, DataStage/QualityStage, and Webfocus

Java, Spring framework, React, Docker, Azure, and Kubernetes 

Java Programmers for EFT management system development

Development and maintenance of a financial EFT management system. The project focused on ETF investments and catered to both individual investors and financial advisors. The Bluebird IT team handled maintenance and updates for existing applications and tools, ensuring responsiveness to issues and requests.
Project tasks:
Migration to Java 17.
Transition from Angular to React for front-end development.
Technology stack: Java 8.x and 17, Spring, React, Docker, Azure, and Kubernetes.

Frequently Asked Questions - Hire Java Developers in Florida

What is Bluebird International?

Bluebird International is a top IT staffing company that helps businesses find skilled Java developers in Florida for their projects. We provide senior developers who can develop software in Java from web applications to complex enterprise systems.

What are the benefits of hiring Java developers in Florida?

Florida offers a strong tech ecosystem, a diverse talent pool, and a business-friendly environment, making it ideal for finding skilled Java developers.

What industries do Florida-based Java developers specialize in?

Our developers have experience in various sectors, including finance, automotive and AI.

Can I hire Java programmers for a short-term project in Florida?

Yes, you can hire Java programmers in Florida for both short-term and long-term projects. The typical project duration is 6 to 12 months.

What is the typical cost of hiring a Java developer in Florida?

Costs vary based on experience and project length. Contact us for a customized quote.

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy! Contact us through our website or give us a call. We will discuss your project needs and match you with the perfect Java developers in Florida.

You can Hire Other Developers through Our Staff Augmentation model