What Is Ray Tracing? The Future of Graphics Rendering

Diana Ipacs

November 29, 2023

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What is ray tracing and how does it work? In our guide, we cover technical details, pros and cons, applications, and more!


If you're interested in graphics and visual effects, you've probably heard of ray tracing. It's a revolutionary technology that's changing the way we think about computer-generated imagery. But what is it exactly, and why is it such a big deal?

Simply put, ray tracing is a rendering technique that simulates the behavior of light by tracing the path of individual rays in a virtual scene. This results in more accurate and lifelike images, with realistic shadows, reflections, and lighting. It's a massive leap forward in graphics technology that enables immersive, interactive experiences that were previously impossible.

In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of ray tracing, from its fundamental principles to its technical implementation and future prospects. We'll look at how it compares to traditional rasterization techniques, its relationship to physically based rendering, and its pros and cons.

Whether you're a graphics enthusiast or just curious about this cutting-edge technology, we've got you covered.

What Is Ray Tracing? – Bluebird Blog

What Is Ray Tracing?: The Fundamentals

If you're interested in computer graphics and visual effects, you've likely heard of this rendering technique. But what exactly is it? In this section, we'll take a closer look at the fundamentals of this groundbreaking technology and how it works.

Simulating Light Behavior

At its core, ray tracing simulates the behavior of light by tracing the path of individual rays in a virtual scene. By doing so, it can accurately determine how light interacts with objects and surfaces, resulting in stunningly realistic and lifelike images.

Realism and Accuracy

Compared to traditional graphics rendering techniques like rasterization, which "paints" each pixel of an image based on its position and color, this technique allows for much greater realism and accuracy. By tracing the path of light rays, it can accurately simulate complex phenomena like reflections, refractions, and shadows, resulting in images that are virtually indistinguishable from photographs.

Computationally Intensive

However, it's important to note that ray tracing is also incredibly computationally intensive. Because it requires tracing the path of each individual ray in a scene, it can be incredibly time-consuming. It's only recently, with the advent of powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) like those developed by NVIDIA, that real-time ray tracing has become possible.

Now that we've explored the basics of this technique, let's delve deeper into how it works in the next section.

How Does Ray Tracing Work?

So, you may be wondering, how does this method work? To put it simply, it's a technique used in computer graphics to create lifelike visual effects by simulating the behavior of light.

It works by tracing the path of individual rays of light as they interact with a virtual environment. The technique involves generating rays from the viewer's perspective and tracing them as they bounce off objects in the scene.

As the rays travel through the virtual environment, they are subject to various effects such as reflection, refraction, and dispersion. These physical properties of light are accurately modeled to create realistic and dynamic visual effects.

Ray tracing also involves the fundamental concept of intersection testing - determining where each ray intersects with objects in the virtual environment. This process involves complex calculations to accurately simulate how light interacts with different surfaces and materials.

Shading is another critical aspect of ray tracing. It involves calculating the brightness and color of each pixel based on the light's interaction with objects in the scene. By accurately simulating the properties of light, ray tracing produces stunningly realistic and immersive visual effects.

Overall, it's a powerful tool in the world of computer graphics, revolutionizing the way we experience visual effects. Its ability to create lifelike and dynamic scenes is unmatched by traditional rendering techniques.

What Is Ray Tracing? Comparison with Other Techniques

Ray Tracing vs Rasterization

When it comes to graphics rendering, two major techniques have dominated the industry for years: ray tracing and rasterization. While both methods have their own merits, they differ significantly in their approaches to creating realistic visual effects. Let's take a closer look at the differences between these two techniques.

What is Rasterization?

Rasterization is the traditional method of rendering images in computer graphics. It involves projecting the 3D geometry of a virtual scene onto a 2D plane, known as the "raster," which is then filled in with pixels to create the final image. The process is fast and efficient but lacks the ability to simulate lighting and shadows accurately.

How Does Ray Tracing Differ from Rasterization?

Ray tracing, on the other hand, is a newer technique that simulates the behavior of light by tracing the path of individual rays in a virtual scene. It excels at creating realistic lighting and shadows, as well as reflections and refractions of light, resulting in a much more immersive and lifelike visual experience.

So, what are the key differences between the two techniques? One major difference is in how they approach lighting. In rasterization, lighting is precalculated and applied to each pixel in the scene. This can result in unrealistic or inaccurate lighting effects, especially in complex scenes. Ray tracing, however, calculates lighting in real-time by tracing rays of light through the scene, resulting in much more accurate and realistic lighting effects.

Another significant difference is in the approach to creating shadows. In rasterization, shadows are achieved by rendering an object from the point of view of a light source, often resulting in inaccurate, blocky shadows. In contrast, ray tracing can calculate shadows accurately by tracing rays of light from the light source to each object in the scene, resulting in much more realistic and natural-looking shadows.

While ray tracing has significant advantages over rasterization in terms of realism and accuracy, it is also much more computationally intensive. This means that it requires more powerful hardware to run and can result in slower performance. Additionally, it is more expensive to implement and often requires specialized hardware or software.

Ray Tracing vs Physically Based Rendering

When it comes to computer graphics, two visualization techniques that are often compared are ray tracing and physically based rendering (PBR). Both techniques aim to create realistic images, but there are some fundamental differences between them.

What is Physically Based Rendering?

Physically based rendering simulates the behavior of light in a physical environment. It takes into account real-world properties like reflectivity, roughness, and color to create accurate representations of objects. PBR algorithms use complex mathematical equations to simulate the interactions of light with surfaces, resulting in highly accurate and realistic images. Learn more about physically based rendering.

How Does Ray Tracing Differ from PBR?

On the other hand, RT is a technique that uses simple mathematical equations to simulate the behavior of light. It works by tracing the path of individual light rays as they bounce off objects in a virtual scene. The rays are traced backwards from the viewer's eye to the light source, resulting in highly accurate lighting and shadow effects.

Although both techniques aim to create realistic images, ray tracing offers more control over the lighting and shadows in a scene than PBR. It can simulate a wide range of lighting scenarios, including reflections, refractions, and indirect lighting, while PBR is best suited for simulating natural lighting conditions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ray Tracing and PBR

One of the main advantages of ray tracing is its ability to produce highly accurate and realistic images. It can capture complex lighting scenarios that are difficult to simulate with other techniques, resulting in more lifelike images. However, ray tracing requires significant computational resources, which can be a disadvantage for some applications.

PBR, on the other hand, is faster than ray tracing and can be used in real-time applications like video games. It also requires less computational resources, making it a more practical option for some applications. However, PBR is limited in its ability to simulate complex lighting scenarios.

Combining Ray Tracing and PBR

To achieve the best of both worlds, many graphics software and hardware manufacturers have started combining ray tracing and PBR techniques. By using ray tracing to simulate complex lighting scenarios and PBR to render natural lighting conditions, these techniques can produce highly realistic images in real-time applications.

In conclusion, while both techniques have their strengths and weaknesses, they are not mutually exclusive techniques. Combining these two methods can result in highly realistic and immersive visual experiences that push the boundaries of computer graphics.

Pros and Cons of Ray Tracing

Ray tracing has become an increasingly popular technique in the world of graphics rendering, thanks to its ability to deliver highly realistic and immersive visual experiences. However, as with any technology, there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of ray tracing.


  1. 1
    Realism: It enables the creation of realistic lighting and shadow effects, making virtual scenes indistinguishable from reality. This helps to enhance the overall visual fidelity of computer-generated images and videos, providing a more immersive user experience that simply cannot be achieved with rasterization.
  2. 2
    Accuracy: The precision and accuracy of ray tracing techniques provide a high degree of control over how light interacts with virtual objects in a scene. This results in a more accurate representation of lighting and shadows, resulting in a more lifelike final output.
  3. 3
    Dynamic Effects: It supports the creation of various dynamic effects, such as reflections, refractions, and caustics, that would be challenging or impossible to create with traditional techniques.


  1. 1
    Computational Requirements: This is a computationally intensive process that requires a significant amount of processing power to perform in real-time. This means that it can be challenging to implement ray tracing in real-world applications without the need for dedicated hardware.
  2. 2
    Cost: The implementation can be an expensive process, as it requires specialized hardware or high-performance computing resources. This can limit its accessibility to smaller studios or individual creators.
  3. 3
    Learning Curve: It is is a complex technique that requires a solid understanding of the underlying principles of light physics and computer graphics. As such, it may take some time and effort to master the skills required to create high-quality ray-traced content.

Despite these challenges, ray tracing is an innovative and powerful technology that is rapidly transforming the world of graphics rendering.

Applications of Ray Tracing Technology

The scope of this technology extends far beyond its initial applications, touching various industries with its potential for creating highly realistic and immersive environments. This technology is not just revolutionizing the gaming industry but also transforming how visual content is created and experienced in multiple domains.

Gaming Industry

Ray tracing has elevated gaming to new heights of realism, providing players with deeply immersive experiences. It enhances the visual quality of games by accurately simulating how light interacts with objects in a virtual environment. This means more realistic shadows, lifelike reflections on surfaces like water and glass, and overall improved lighting effects that respond dynamically to changes in the virtual world.

This is not just about visual enhancement; it also contributes to the development of more engaging and emotionally resonant game narratives, as developers can create more believable and relatable worlds.

As VR and AR technologies continue to mature, ray tracing is becoming an essential tool for creating more realistic and immersive virtual environments. It enhances the sense of presence and realism in VR experiences, which is vital for applications ranging from entertainment to education and training simulations.

Film and Television

In the realm of movies and television, ray tracing is instrumental in creating stunning visual effects that were previously impossible or extremely resource-intensive to achieve. It allows for the generation of photorealistic CGI scenes, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with traditional methods.

It also contributes to more realistic animation, enhancing the visual storytelling aspect of films and TV shows. This technology is increasingly being used in virtual production environments, where real-time ray tracing capabilities are combined with virtual sets and LED walls to create immersive filming environments.

Architecture and Interior Design

Architects and interior designers are harnessing the power of ray tracing to create highly accurate and visually compelling renderings of their designs.

This technology allows them to simulate how light interacts with different materials and surfaces, providing a realistic preview of how buildings and spaces will look at different times of the day or under various lighting conditions. It also enables the creation of virtual walkthroughs that can help clients visualize the final product more effectively.

Product Design and Visualization

In product design, ray tracing is used to create lifelike prototypes of products, allowing designers to test and refine their ideas in a digital environment. This is particularly useful in industries like automotive design, where the visual appearance and interaction of light with surfaces are crucial. This technique enables designers to visualize paint finishes, reflections, and how light interacts with different materials, contributing to the creation of more appealing and market-ready products.

Scientific Visualization

Ray tracing is also making significant inroads in the field of scientific visualization. It is used to create detailed and accurate visual representations of complex scientific data, from large-scale astronomical phenomena to the intricate structures of biological molecules. This aids researchers and scientists in better understanding and communicating their findings.

Real-Time Graphics and Broadcasting

In broadcasting, real-time graphics powered by ray tracing are starting to replace traditional green screens, offering more dynamic and interactive backdrops for news, weather forecasts, and sports broadcasting. This allows for the creation of more engaging and visually appealing content for viewers.

As this technology evolves and becomes more accessible, its applications are likely to expand further. With ongoing advancements in hardware and software, including more efficient rendering algorithms and more powerful GPUs, the method is poised to transform not just how we play games or watch movies, but how we visualize and interact with digital content across a spectrum of industries.

NVIDIA's Role in the Advancement of Ray Tracing Technology

NVIDIA has been at the forefront of developing and implementing this technology in modern GPUs. The company's RTX series graphics cards feature dedicated hardware acceleration for ray tracing, enabling real-time rendering of lighting and reflections in video games.

In addition to creating powerful hardware, NVIDIA has worked closely with game developers to optimize ray tracing effects in popular titles. This collaboration has resulted in visually stunning games such as Cyberpunk 2077, Battlefield V, and Control, all of which utilize this technology to enhance the overall gaming experience.


NVIDIA's latest innovation in this technology is the RTX IO. It enables faster game loading times by streaming data directly from the SSD to the GPU, bypassing the CPU. This results in lightning-fast game loading and seamless gameplay.

The Future of Ray Tracing Technology

NVIDIA's commitment to advancing this technology is evident in its ongoing research and development efforts. The company has invested in AI-based denoising techniques to improve the technique's performance and reduce hardware requirements.

Furthermore, the potential applications extend beyond gaming. NVIDIA has worked with architects, engineers, and designers to use this technology in creating realistic simulations of buildings and environments.

NVIDIA's role in the development and implementation of ray tracing technology cannot be overlooked. The company's dedication to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in gaming graphics is driving the adoption of ray tracing technology across the industry.

The Future Is Here: What is Full Ray Tracing?

Full ray tracing, often referred to as "path tracing," is an advanced form of the technique that aims to simulate the way light behaves in the real world in a highly realistic and comprehensive manner. This technique traces the paths of many rays per pixel and follows them as they bounce around the scene, interacting with different surfaces.

Let's take a look at its key aspects:

Global Illumination

Unlike basic ray tracing, which might only account for direct light (like shadows and reflections), full ray tracing incorporates global illumination. This means it calculates both direct and indirect lighting, including how light bounces off objects and surfaces, filling the scene with more nuanced and realistic lighting.

Realistic Materials and Lighting

Full ray tracing can accurately render complex materials and lighting effects, such as diffused reflections on rough surfaces, the subtle nuances of transparent or translucent materials, and the way light scatters in different environments.

Complex Interactions with Light

It also simulates complex light interactions like caustics (the light patterns created when light shines through a transparent object or reflects off a curved surface), soft shadows, and depth of field effects.

Computational Intensity

This technique is computationally more intensive than basic ray tracing because it involves tracing a large number of rays for each pixel and performing complex calculations for multiple light bounces. This is why it has traditionally been used more in pre-rendered content, like movies, rather than real-time applications like video games. However, advancements in GPU technology are increasingly making real-time full ray tracing feasible.

Application in Media and Entertainment

Full ray tracing is widely used in the film industry for creating photorealistic visual effects. It's also becoming more prevalent in high-end computer graphics and video game rendering, especially with the advent of powerful GPUs that can handle its substantial computational requirements.

In summary, this is a more advanced and computationally demanding technique that offers a higher level of realism compared to basic RT by simulating the complete behavior of light within a scene.

Final Thoughts

Ray tracing technology has revolutionized the world of graphics, offering immersive and realistic visual experiences that were once thought impossible. By simulating the behavior of light in a virtual scene, this technique allows for accurate and dynamic lighting effects, reflections, and shadows.

While ray tracing requires significant computational power and can be expensive, its benefits in terms of realism and accuracy make it a valuable tool in industries such as gaming, film, and architecture. As hardware advancements continue to improve, we can expect to see even more impressive applications of this technique in the future.

Overall, the future of this technique looks bright, and NVIDIA's role in advancing this technology cannot be overstated. As we look forward to what's next in the world of computer graphics, it's clear that ray tracing will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of visual storytelling and entertainment.

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